Thursday, November 06, 2008

Survey Result, Q4-7: Getting Involved in PS Renewal

Today's post will be a quick one because the results to the questions I will present are self-explanatory.

Q4. How clear is it to you what PS Renewal is all about?

Good news here: close to two-thirds of the respondents say that it is either “clear” or “very clear” what PS Renewal is about, which reflects well on the communications effort around PS Renewal. I must however caution readers: the results may also be a reflection of the self-selection of the respondents. It can easily be assumed that those who saw the value in filling this survey did so in part because they already know what PS Renewal is about. I say this because if I asked the question to the 200 people in my organization (a very operational directorate based in a region), I would be pleasantly surprised if 20% could claim it is “clear” or “very clear”. In fact, next time I attend a staff meeting I will ask that question by show of hands.

Q5. How clear is it to you how you can get involved in PS Renewal?

I asked this questions because the Clerk has traveled all over the country telling public servants to “get involved, speak up, make suggestions, become part of renewal, be proud and make a difference”. Close to 40% of respondents have indicated that it was either “clear” or “very clear” how they can get involved. This is pretty good if you ask me. But it also means that there is close to 25% of respondents who are clear about PS Renewal, but don't know how to get involved. That represents a lot of people who need to be engaged right now. If we can't help them figure out where they fit and what they can, we are missing a great opportunity to turn the ship around. That 25% can be the difference between a public-service wide cultural shift and the status quo.

Q6. Are you interested in getting involved in PS Renewal?

Even with a group of self-selected respondents, I consider these results to be excellent given how early we are in the whole “renewal” process.

Only 15% are clearly not interested in getting involved (or at least not right now). 35% are interested but need to ask permission; to me this is an indication that these people just need a little encouragement, a small incentive, or just a straight-up question from their managers, such as: “Would you be interested in getting involved in PS Renewal?”.

1% said they asked for permission to get involved but it was denied, while 9% said they would have to do it partly on their personal time.

5% were given permission to do it entirely on their work time. 16% said PS Renewal was actually part of their responsibilities (a confirmation that the respondents self-selected to answer the survey!).

What astonishes me though is that 19% of respondents said they would get involved in PS Renewal on their work time without asking permission to their managers! Isn't that cool!?! I love that kind of “take charge” attitude! :-)

Q7. What would be most useful to you at this point in order to get involved in PS Renewal? (Select all that apply)

“Getting ideas of how to get involved” dominates the list. Next we have “interacting (in person or virtually) with other people like me who are interested in PS Renewal”, “receiving more information about PS Renewal” and “having my organization take a leadership role in PS Renewal and provide an opportunity to employees to get involved”, which all received similar number of responses. It is followed by “having the freedom to work on personal initiatives that would support PS Renewal”, and then “getting the support from my supervisor to get actively involved”. “Being told what to do next” comes last.

A couple of people have indicated “others”. Those ideas will be presented in tomorrow's post.

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